Shows, Ulysses' Travels

Mythological concert for instruments and recorded voices

It is a three thousand year old story, full of still indecipherable charm and wonder. Nicola Piovani recreates in a theater the seduction of the travel of Ulysses, transforming reading and imagination in a musical narration: "With our musical instruments - he explains - of course we do not tell the facts that can be described only by words. But the music can try to materialize the emotion still aroused by those facts"
It is a dialogue between verses and melodies, including Homer, Saba, Joyce, Tasso, piano, bass, saxophone, cello, percussion, computer.

Written and directed by NICOLA PIOVANI

Andrea Avena (Bass)
Marina Cesari (Sax / Clarinet)
Pasquale Filastò (Cello / Mandoloncello)
Ivan Gambini (Percussion / Accordion)
Alessio Mancini (Flutes)
Nicola Piovani (Piano)
Aidan Zammit (Keyboards)

in video

Chiara Baffi, Carlo Cecchi, Paila Pavese,
Massimo Popolizio, Mariano Rigillo,
Massimo Wertmuller, Virgilio Zernitz

drawings by MILO MANARA

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