Shows, Memoirs of Hadrian

Giorgio Albertazzi interprets the novel by Marguerite Yourcenar

There is a phrase of Flaubert explaining the immortal charm of the protagonist: "When the gods were gone, and Christ has not came yet, between Cicero and Marcus Aurelius, there was a unique moment when man only existed".
Adriano is more than a man, he is the "portrait" of what we are today.
In his words we find the roots of our history. In a world where fundamentalism and ignorance are causing death and destruction, the words of Adriano assume a new meaning indicating, perhaps, a glimmer of hope: "... not all of our books will perish; ... other domes will rise from our domes ... and should the barbarians take possession of the empire of the world, they will be forced to adopt many of our methods; and eventually they will become similar to us-"
Listening Giorgio Albertazzi in the magical stage of Villa Adriana, touched by the ghosts of that far past, has led us to bring this show in many cities in Italy and in Europe since 1989 and to propose it again at the Teatro Parioli, newly open. Significantly in Rome, that, together with Spain and Greece, was the homeland of Adriano and is still the cradle of Western civilization and the Mediterranean.

with Giorgio Albertazzi
Stefania Masala, Giovanna Cappuccio, Fulvio Barigelli
Evelina Meghnagi music and songs - Armando Sciommeri percussion
Costumes Daniele Gelsi - scene elements Lisa De Benedittis
directed by Maurizio Scaparro

All programming will be accessible also to spectators who are blind and deaf, finally allowed to enjopy the experience of theater thanks to Ghione.

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