Shows, Brachetti che sorpresa!

Who knows if Arturo Brachetti will find his red suitcase lost

After the great success of "L'Uomo dai Mille Volti" and " Ciak si gira" and also after the triumph in Canada and in France of Comedy Majik Cho, during the show "il ciuffo più famoso d'Italia" arrives with his friends into theatres that he loves, that are italian theatres, with a new extraordinary and unpredictable variety.
The biggest change artist in the world, delighting his audience and proposing the best of quick change. Art by him self reinvented that makes him famous and acclaimed in the world: in the blink of an eye (maybe two) is transformed before the eyes of the spectators from hat to shoes changing clothes but especially soul.
A variety of charachters realized with big costumes or only with a few objects to remind us that:" with a few objects will be possible everything, is sufficient using the immagination".

Brachetti is a 360° artist, able to switch from transformation to other performances.

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