Exhibitions, Sister earth. Our common home

National Geographic Italy dedicates this exhibition to the Pope's encyclical on Earth

The Museum of Rome Palazzo Braschi, starting from december 22, will host an exhibition named "Sister Earth".
The exhibition is promoted by Roma Capitale – Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali,, designed and developed by National Geographic Italy with more than 60 photographs.

The exhibition takes us on an ideal journey among the words of the encyclical and the shots of the masters of photography regarding the fragility, the suffering, the beauty of our endangered planet.
To accompany us on the path, which opens on the magnificence of creation, and then continues with the human and environmental degradation, urban sprawl, pollution, emarginated people, but also biodiversity and sustainability, some exclusive photographs of Pope Francesco, taken by the photographer Dave Yoder and other ones.
National Geographic Italy, on the occasion of the special Jubilee, dedicates this exhibition to the revolutionary pope's encyclical on Earth, our common home.
The exhibition shows not only the photographs of Dave Yoder, who has followed and documented for almost a year the daily life of the pontiff, but also other shots of the best photographers of the magazine closely linked to the themes of the encyclical LAUDATO SI'.
The issues covered by the encyclical are the flagships of National Geographic, which has been ever fighting for the preservation of the planet, throwing light on the problems, on the research, on the possible solutions.
Among the photographers on show: Jonas Bendiksen, James P. Blair, Ira Block, Jodi Cobb, Jad Davenport, David Doubilet, Gordon Gahan, Greg Girard, Fritz Hoffmann, Lynn Johnson,
Menahem Kahana, Ed Kashi, Karen Kasmauski, Robb Kendrick, Tim Laman, Frans Lanting, Pablo Leguizamon, David Liittschwager, Luca Locatelli, Pablo Lopez Luz, Steve McCurry, Michael Melford, Palani Mohan, Paul Nicklen, Carsten Peter, Jim Richardson, Ruben Salgado Escudero, Joel Sartore, Servizio fotografico L'Osservatore Romano, John Stanmeyer, George Steinmetz, Marcelo Tasso, Mike Theiss, Mark Thiessen, Tyrone Turner, Stefano Unterthiner, Stephen Wilkes, Michael S. Yamashita, Dave Yoder, Christian Ziegler.

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